Sprint Triathlon/Super Sprint (Tri-A-Tri)

All adult racers must read 2025 Race Guide

The SPRINT Triathlon is for athletes ages 16 and up, for recreational all the way up to the more serious triathlete seeking a speedy effort. The SUPER SPRINT is perfect for ages 14 and up to ‘tri a tri’! For 2025 the Super Sprint is the option for all youth for ages 14-15 yrs instead of the old version of the Trikids.

  • Super Sprint: Swim 300 m, Bike 7 km, Run 3km
  • Sprint Triathlon: Swim 750 m, Bike 20 km, Run 5 km
  • Date: Sunday June 15, 2025
  • Start Time: aprox 7:45 AM Super Sprint Aprox 8:00 AM Sprint
  • Age Requirement: Super Sprint 14 years / Sprint 16 years on Dec 31, 2025

The Course:

The SPRINT swim is a single 750 m triangular loop starting from the Horseshoe Bay Beach. Wetsuits are allowed if temperatures meet ITU regulations. The cycling leg is mostly flat with one rise. It starts with a clockwise loop going 3/4 of the way around Wasa lake and then spins around to follow the Canadian Rockies and the Kootenay River heading south toward the Heritage Town of Fort Steele. The return portion takes cyclists directly back to the transition area via the south park entry/exit. The triathlon will wrap-up with 2 flat out-and-back run segments, with a cruise by the transition zone in between.

The Super Sprint will have a swim course parallel to the shore and the run is a shorten version of the Sprint, the bike course will leave the transition area to Wasa Lk rd to the south highway intersection to north park entrance back onto Wasa Lk rd where you ride to the transition area (1 loop of the lake). Map and info to be updated soon.

Sprint Triathlon Course Maps

Super Sprint Course Maps

NOTE: Super Sprint ‘Bike course change’ reflected in map.

Relay Teams (Standard Triathlon only)

Relay teams may take on the challenge of completing the Standard triathlon. Minimum age of each participant doing the Standard relay is 18 years old, all ages as of Dec 31, 2025. Categories & Awards: top teams in each category in the Standard triathlon will be recognized with awards. The sum of the ages of the swimmer, cyclist and runner (as of Dec. 31, 2025) determines the male, female and mixed team category: less than 0-119, 120-154, 155+.

All adult racers must read 2025 Race Guide

START TIME: (Same as Standrd Triathlon) 8:15 AM (aprox- could be +/- 10 minutes)

Team Composition:

These are the following ways you can enter a relay team in the Standard Triathlon (team participants must be 18+)

  • Team of 3: each of the 3 members completes one leg of the triathlon
  • Team of 2: one member completes 2 legs, other member completes 1 leg of the triathlon (A solo triathlete can be registered as a swimmer for a team, they would wear 2 chips during the swim leg).

New: CUT OFF TIMES for Standard Triathlon and Standard Teams must be met. It will be expected as a participant you ensure you can complete the cut off times to avoid being taken off the course if unable to complete within the time frames outlined below. These are in place to ensure the schedule of the day is maintained. THANK YOU for your understanding.

  • SWIM CUT OFF = 1 hour from start time
  • BIKE CUT OFF = 3 hours from start time
  • FINISH EVENT CUT OFF = 4.5 hours from start time

Standard Triathlon/Aquabike

All adult racers must read 2025 Race Guide

The Standard distance triathlon features a beautiful course in the Rocky Mountains and attracts some of the fastest triathletes in the West. Age groupers and elites compete together on a scenic and fast course.

  • Aquabike: Swim 1.5 km, Bike 40 km
  • Triathlon: Swim 1.5 km, Bike 40 km, Run 10 km
  • Date: Sunday June 15th, 2025
  • Start: 8:15 AM (aprox- could be +/- 10 minutes)
  • Age Requirement: 18 years old on Dec. 31st, 2025

New: CUT OFF TIMES for Standard Triathlon and Standard Teams must be met. It will be expected as a participant you ensure you can complete the cut off times to avoid being taken off the course if unable to complete within the time frames outlined below. These are in place to ensure the schedule of the day is maintained. THANK YOU for your understanding.

  • SWIM CUT OFF = 1 hour from start time
  • BIKE CUT OFF = 3 hours from start time
  • FINISH EVENT CUT OFF = 4.5 hours from start time

The Course:

The Triathlon and Aquabike swim is a 750 m triangular loop x 2 starting from the Horseshoe Bay beach (the swim will be held in the smaller North Bay of the lake). Wetsuits are allowed if temperatures meet ITU regulations. The cycling leg is mostly flat with some rolling hills. It starts with a clockwise loop going 3/4 of the way around Wasa Lake and then spins cyclists around to follow the Canadian Rockies and the Kootenay River heading south towards the Heritage Town of Fort Steele. The return portion takes cyclists directly back to the transition area via the south park entry/exit. The triathlon will wrap-up with 2 flat out-and-back run segments, with a cruise by the transition zone in between. Please note the cut off times outlined above.

Standard Triathlon Course Maps

Transition Map PDF

Wasa Warrior

Not available in 2025 expected to return 2026

The WASA WARRIOR EVENT is HERE TO STAY! This event was introduced in 2021 and has become a hit for those wanting the extra challenge. 2023 overall top time will be a challenge to beat! Earn your Warrior finishers shield (medal) and tech shirt, take on the challenge!

THE CHALLENGE is to complete the Sprint AND Standard triathlon events. All Warriors will receive a finisher’s medal, a tech finisher’s shirt and enjoy a variety of finish-line food. Warriors will qualify for specific Sprint and Standard event award categories, no separate Warrior award category. Event is capped at 75 registrants.

Sprint Triathlon Course Maps

Super Sprint Course Maps

TriKids Triathlon – 2025 (ages 4-13)

All trikids/parents must read 2025 TriKids Race Guide .

The Trikids triathlon event is the highlight of the weekend! Check this out: full course set-up as the adult races, 3 separate races for the various age categories, a TriKids orientation prior to the main event, the encouraging voice of race announcer Steve King, souvenir swag, finisher’s medal and fun food at the finish-line! So kids, sign up and bring your smiley family face to swim, bike and run on your way to the Wasa Triathlon finish line!

  • Date: June 15, 2025 Sunday
  • Start Time: 1:00 PM Racers meeting

Race package pick-up Saturday at Just Liquid Sports on the strip, look for the Big Blue arch next to Tim Hortons. NO RACE BAG PICK UP ON RACE DAY!

Trikids triathlon races start at 1:15 pm. No race day registration for 2025. Limited entries for 2025. Check-in is at 12:15 PM Sunday. All TRIKIDS must be checked in and set up in transition before 1PM.

POD 2025 Age-groups, Start Times, Distances

2020-2021 (4/5 yrs)Purple1:15pm25m500m (2laps)100m
2016-2019 (6-9 yrs)Yellow1:30pm50m1km400m
2012-2015 (10-13 yrs)Blue1:45pm150m4km (2 Laps or 2km course)1km

The KIDS Course:

For course details on the TriKids pod groups, please see the course maps. The swim will follow the shallow waters along the beach and will be safe for all swimmers (as of 2021 swim has been moved to beach closest to transition). All participants must swim, making all efforts to not stand and water run. The bike is an out and back route on the quiet park roads. And finally, the out and back run is on grass, dirt path and the paved Lions’ Trail bordering the lake. The course will be extremely safe.

KIDS Maps:

Trikids Transition Map PDF

Safety: Each child is required to have an adult present during the event, to assist with gear set-up in transition area and to ensure a fun and safe time for all. Racers can have assistance if the child has a need (such as anxiety or physical challenge) for that extra support during their event (by volunteers/officials/or parent if signed in at check-in and issued a racer band), otherwise Racers are expected to be able to complete course with no assistance. They can do-it!

Categories and Awards

Top 3 in each of the following female and male age categories in the Sprint and Standard Triathlons/Aquabike will receive an award (ages as of Dec. 31, 2025): 16-19 (sprint), 18-19, (standard), 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, etc and AWAD category.

Course Records

  • Wasa Warrior Challenge – Overall winner – Mika Eggink 2:57:21 in 2022 (age group 20/24)
  • Wasa Warrior fastest Senior category – Peter Charlton in 4:45:14 (age group 70/74)
  • Fastest Sprint Woman- Tanya Salomon 1:04:59 in 2008
  • Fastest Sprint Man- Trevor Williams 54:32 in 2004
  • Fastest Olympic Woman: 2:03:14 by Kerry Spearing in 2008
  • Fastest Olympic Man: 1:50:32 by Andrew Russell in 2008
  • Fastest Olympic Relay Team 1:57:03 by Break a Leg (Seth Bitting and Ryan Cain) in 2008